Monday 18 August 2008

Indian head massage

Indian Head Massage is an ancient technique, which as the name suggests originated in India and Pakistan where is was a part of the regular grooming routine and practised by barbers.Indian Head Massage came to the west via osteopath and massage therapist Narendra Mehta, and is known as champissage (which incidentally in where the word shampoo comes from).During an Indian Head Massage, various different massage techniques, such as kneading, stroking, hacking, squeezing and tapping are used, and the upper back, neck, arms and face are treated as well as the actual head.Benefits from the treatment include, increased blood flow which improves the circulation and encourages healing, increased lymphatic flow, which aids the elimination of toxins, relaxation of the head, neck and shoulders and the reduction of muscle spasms and restrictions in the muscle fibres.A treatment can take up to an hour and can be done whilst seated or on a couch with or without the use of oils.IridologyThis is a somewhat controversial technique where the patterns and colours in the iris are used to obtain information regarding a persons general health and well being. Iridologists view the eyes as ‘windows’ in to the state of the rest of the body.Flashlights, magnifying glasses, microscopes and cameras are used to look in detail at the iris, which is then compared to a chart which relates different ‘zones’ of the iris to varying parts of the body

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